Latvia’s Approach to AI Regulation

Latvia’s approach to AI regulation has evolved through a combination of strategic planning and legislative measures. As AI technologies proliferate and introduce new regulatory challenges, the Latvian government is actively developing a normative framework to define what is ethically and legally sound in the field of AI. Relying on its current national legislation and EU Directives—specifically those defining regulations on Product safety (Directive 2001/95/EC) and Liabilities (Directive 1985/374/EEC).

Latvia aims to ensure a robust regulatory environment. The country took an initial step toward addressing AI-related societal issues by adopting the Declaration on AI in the Nordic-Baltic Region in 2018. This declaration was adopted by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and the Åland Islands.The declaration focused on several key areas: enhancing AI skills across authorities, companies, and organizations; improving access to data for better services; developing transparent and ethical AI principles; and ensuring standards for interoperability, privacy, and security. This initiative underscored the region’s commitment to harnessing AI’s potential while addressing ethical and practical concerns. 

An Information Report on AI Development, adopted in 2019, describes the strategy for AI development in the next phase. The report outlines key areas such as ongoing research projects supported by funds, integrating AI themes into education, and developing digital skills for AI deployment. This report signifies Latvia’s ongoing efforts to stay at the forefront of AI innovation and to equip its workforce with the necessary skills to thrive in an AI-driven future.

In February 2020, the Latvian government released its National AI Strategy, aiming to foster the uptake and growth of AI across the entire economy. The strategy outlines several key initiatives: raising awareness and competencies by integrating AI themes into the general education system at all levels; promoting AI adoption and development in both public and private sectors; actively engaging in national and international cooperation; developing guidelines for responsible AI use; leveraging a well-developed data environment; and supporting AI through digital and telecommunication infrastructure investments. This comprehensive strategy highlights Latvia’s dedication to creating a conducive environment for AI advancement. 

These initiatives demonstrate Latvia’s proactive approach to AI regulation and development, ensuring that AI technologies benefit society while adhering to ethical and legal standards. By integrating AI into education, promoting its adoption in various sectors, and fostering international cooperation, Latvia is positioning itself as a leader in the responsible and innovative use of AI.