The Lithuanian government has taken several initiatives to promote the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the country, with a focus on ensuring safety and fairness in AI applications. In April 2019, the government published the Lithuanian Artificial Intelligence Strategy: A Vision of the Future, which aims to modernize and expand the current AI ecosystem in Lithuania, ensuring the nation is ready for a future with AI. Additionally, Guidelines for Unbiased Algorithms are being developed to assist developers and managers in ensuring that their AI products do not discriminate against women, disabled persons, and other disadvantaged and excluded groups. Furthermore, Lithuania adopted a law that allows the operation of self-driving cars without a driver being present. These initiatives demonstrate Lithuania’s commitment to harnessing the potential of AI while addressing concerns around safety, fairness, and inclusivity.

2019  Lithuanian Artificial Intelligence Strategy: A Vision of the Future
2020  Guidelines for Unbiased Algorithms
2018The Republic Of Lithuania Safe Traffic On Car Roads (Autonomous Vehicles)