Authored by- Mr. Archak Das

Key Highlights:

  1. The ultimate test for AI’s expert-level abilities: Center for AI Safety (CAIS) and Scale AI call for “Humanity’s Last Exam” on 16th September, 2024, which stands as a groundbreaking project designed to push the boundaries of what AI systems are capable of achieving and unlike previous benchmarks that primarily assessed foundational knowledge and reasoning, this new initiative seeks to evaluate whether AI can truly attain expert-level performance in various complex fields.
  2. Crowdsourced questions and peer review: One of the unique and revolutionary aspects of “Humanity’s Last Exam” is its collaborative approach to constructing the test itself. The exam will feature over 1,000 questions, with submissions coming from a global pool of participants and the questions, however, are not just any regular queries but are specifically designed to challenge AI models at an expert level.
  3. Avoiding weapon-related questions: One of the most important restrictions that the organizers of “Humanity’s Last Exam” have imposed is the exclusion of questions related to weapons as this decision comes in response to concerns about the potential misuse of AI in military or harmful contexts.

The artificial intelligence (AI) domain is rapidly evolving and the need for more advanced testing mechanisms is growing exponentially as the recent developments, such as OpenAI’s latest model, have shown impressive leaps of AI in performance, crushing previously challenging benchmarks. These advancements however need mechanisms so that we can continue to measure the true intelligence of these systems and this is where “Humanity’s Last Exam” comes in. This is spearheaded by the Center for AI Safety (CAIS) and Scale AI and it aims to create the most comprehensive and challenging AI exam ever devised. The goal is to evaluate when AI systems achieve expert-level capabilities and ensure these tests remain relevant as AI technology continues to advance.

The Rise of AI

In recent years, AI systems have achieved significant milestones where OpenAI’s new model, OpenAI o1, has “destroyed” many reasoning benchmarks that were once thought to be formidable. Dan Hendrycks, the executive director of CAIS and advisor to Elon Musk’s xAI startup, highlighted this rapid progress in AI performance as he co-authored two influential papers in 2021 that set the foundation for testing AI systems on undergraduate-level knowledge in subjects like U.S. history and competition-level math. These tests are now widely used, with the datasets being some of the most downloaded on AI platforms like Hugging Face and while AI systems were initially giving random answers to questions on these exams, they are now acing them, pushing the boundaries of what we thought AI could do. However, as AI systems improve on traditional tests, these benchmarks become less effective at truly measuring their capabilities and this is where “Humanity’s Last Exam” seeks to fill the gap.

A New Era of AI Testing

“Humanity’s Last Exam” is a novel project that aims to assess AI’s expert-level capabilities in a more sophisticated and challenging manner. The exam will include over 1,000 crowd-sourced questions that are difficult for non-experts to answer and such questions, due by 1st November, 2024, will undergo peer review, with top submissions being rewarded with co-authorship opportunities and prizes of up to $5,000, sponsored by Scale AI.

According to Alexandr Wang, CEO of Scale AI, there is a desperate need for more challenging tests to measure AI progress as this sentiment is echoed by Hendrycks, who believes that many of the current tests are too simplistic for today’s AI models. While AI systems are excelling at benchmarks involving traditional knowledge-based questions, they continue to struggle with tasks requiring more abstract reasoning and planning. “Humanity’s Last Exam” will focus on these more complex cognitive tasks, which many experts believe to be better measures of intelligence.

The Importance of Abstract Reasoning in AI Testing

Abstract reasoning, a key focus of “Humanity’s Last Exam,” is often cited as one of the most reliable indicators of true intelligence. AI models have demonstrated exceptional performance in knowledge-based reasoning but have fallen short in tasks that require planning, problem-solving, and pattern recognition, as for instance, OpenAI o1, despite excelling in many areas, scored only around 21% on a visual pattern-recognition test known as ARC-AGI. Many AI researchers argue that these types of tasks, especially those that involve abstract reasoning and planning are more indicative of a system’s true intelligence and by designing questions that emphasize abstract reasoning, “Humanity’s Last Exam” seeks to push AI systems beyond their current capabilities.

Memorization vs. Intelligence

One of the main challenges in designing AI tests is ensuring that the questions truly assess intelligence, rather than the model’s ability to memorize answers as many popular benchmarks have been used to train AI systems, making it difficult to assess whether an AI model genuinely understands a question or is merely recalling answers from its training data. To address this concern, Hendrycks and his team plan to keep certain questions from “Humanity’s Last Exam” private, ensuring that AI models cannot simply memorize the answers as this will provide a more accurate measure of the AI’s problem-solving and reasoning abilities.

The Ethical Dimension

While “Humanity’s Last Exam” seeks to challenge AI systems, the organizers have placed one significant restriction on the types of questions allowed that specifically forbids questions about weapons and this decision is grounded in ethical concerns regarding AI’s potential to be used for harmful purposes. Hendrycks and Wang both agree that introducing AI to questions about weapons would pose too great a risk, especially given the potential consequences of AI systems gaining expertise in this area as it reflects the broader ethical discussions surrounding AI development. As AI systems become more powerful, it is crucial to consider the societal impact and ensure that these technologies are developed responsibly.

Implications for AI Development

The results of “Humanity’s Last Exam” could have far-reaching implications for the future of AI development and if AI systems can pass these expert-level tests, it would signal a major shift in the way we understand and interact with artificial intelligence. These results would also guide the next steps in AI safety and regulation, as society grapples with the implications of AI systems that can reason and plan at expert levels. The project will also provide valuable insights into how far AI has come and how much further it still has to go, and by focusing on abstract reasoning and problem-solving, “Humanity’s Last Exam” will offer a clearer picture of AI’s true capabilities and limitations, helping to shape the future of AI research.


“Humanity’s Last Exam” represents a bold new frontier in AI testing. As AI continues to advance, projects like this are essential to ensuring that we can accurately measure and understand the capabilities of these powerful systems and by focusing on expert-level reasoning and ensuring the integrity of the tests, “Humanity’s Last Exam” aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of AI’s progress. As we look toward the future, the results of this project will play a crucial role in shaping the next phase of AI development and ensuring that these technologies are developed in a safe, ethical, and responsible manner.

