Published on 19th September 2024 | Authored by: Mr Archak Das

Key Highlights:


  1. Henna Virkkunen’s Appointment as Executive Vice President: European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen announced on 17th September 2024 over a press conference that Henna Virkkunen, a Finnish lawmaker, has been appointed to take on one of the European Union’s most critical portfolios, which includes the tech sovereignty, security, and democracy. This nomination follows a period where the EU has aggressively worked to regulate Big Tech through landmark legislations such as the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA).
  2. Oversight of Big Tech: Virkkunen’s role places her at the forefront of regulating Big Tech’s activities in Europe. The Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) are two of the most ambitious regulatory frameworks the European Union has introduced to tackle the growing influence of tech giants. The DSA requires platforms like Meta (Facebook, Instagram) and Google to take more responsibility for the content on their platforms.
  3. Focus on Digital Innovation: In addition to regulating Big Tech, Virkkunen’s portfolio focuses on nurturing digital innovation within Europe and this aspect of her role is crucial for achieving Europe’s long-term vision of tech sovereignty. Europe’s reliance on American and Chinese tech companies has been a point of concern, particularly in areas like data privacy, artificial intelligence (AI), and 5G infrastructure.

Henna Virkkunen, a seasoned Finnish lawmaker, has recently been nominated to serve as the European Union’s Executive Vice President for Tech Sovereignty, Security, and Democracy. Her rise to this pivotal role comes at a crucial time, as Europe continues its efforts to regulate Big Tech and foster homegrown digital innovation. Virkkunen’s journey in politics spans several portfolios, from education and transport to public administration, which has helped her develop the necessary expertise to tackle the complex challenges of digital regulation.


A New Approach to Big Tech Regulation


Henna Virkkunen will oversee the enforcement of two landmark legislations: the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA), where both of the acts were introduced to ensure that large technology firms, such as Meta, Google, and Amazon, comply with stringent regulations regarding market dominance and content moderation.

The Digital Services Act focuses on making sure tech giants take more responsibility for the content on their platforms and this includes the need to curb illegal and harmful content and ensure that user privacy is maintained. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are already under scrutiny due to child safety concerns, and under Virkkunen’s leadership, these investigations are expected to intensify.

The Digital Markets Act meanwhile aims to limit the overwhelming power of Big Tech companies by ensuring fair competition and the companies that have been labeled as “gatekeepers” under the DMA, such as Apple and Google, are required to allow smaller competitors to access markets on fair terms and this includes opening up payment systems, app stores, and ad models to ensure that European startups and smaller players have a level playing field.


Strengthening Europe’s Tech Competitiveness


One of the main aspects of Virkkunen’s portfolio is tech sovereignty. Europe has long relied on American and Chinese tech giants, which raises concerns about security, privacy, and competitive disadvantages for European companies. Virkkunen aims to change this dynamic by supporting the growth of European tech champions where companies like Nokia and Rovio, the makers of the popular Angry Birds game, are examples of homegrown talent that she will seek to promote.

Virkkunen’s appointment is seen as a boon for Finland, given its rich history of tech innovation as Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo emphasized that her role will help strengthen the nation’s focus on security and competitiveness. The country is home to not only Nokia but also several other high-tech companies that stand to benefit from policies aimed at reducing Europe’s dependency on foreign technology​.


AI and the Future of Regulation


Another critical part of Virkkunen’s new role is overseeing the implementation of the Artificial Intelligence Act, which the European Union adopted in 2024 as this act places specific limitations on the use of AI, especially in areas that impact fundamental human rights, such as surveillance, facial recognition, and biometric data, as with concerns growing over how Big Tech companies utilize AI for profit and control, Virkkunen will lead efforts to ensure that these companies remain transparent and ethical in their AI practices​.


Addressing the Broadband Infrastructure


A significant part of Virkkunen’s mandate is to push forward the Digital Networks Act, which aims to improve Europe’s digital infrastructure and this includes boosting high-speed broadband coverage, a move that is particularly welcomed by the telecommunications sector. Tech companies have long advocated for more effective digital networks, and now with Europe aiming to strengthen its tech sovereignty, ensuring the proper infrastructure is in place is a critical step​. This is however not just about expanding broadband and there is likely to be a renewed debate over whether Big Tech should shoulder the part of the costs for such infrastructure, given their immense use of network bandwidth. Companies like Google and Amazon rely heavily on digital infrastructure to deliver their services, and many policymakers argue that they should contribute more significantly to the rollout of high-speed internet​.




Henna Virkkunen’s appointment as the European Union’s Executive Vice President for Tech Sovereignty, Security, and Democracy marks a new chapter in Europe’s digital regulation efforts. Her extensive experience, combined with a clear mandate to oversee groundbreaking legislation, positions her to shape the future of tech in Europe. The enforcement of the DSA and DMA, the push for a more equitable and transparent AI landscape, and the development of robust digital infrastructure are just a few of the significant challenges she will face. As Europe strives to establish itself as a leader in tech innovation while curbing the dominance of external powers, Virkkunen’s leadership will undoubtedly play a crucial role in achieving these ambitious goals.




  1. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/finnish-politician-tapped-as-eu-digital-chief-to-oversee-big-tech/articleshow/113449192.cms
  2. https://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/internet/us-to-convene-global-ai-safety-summit-in-november/113454196
  3. https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/digital-services-act-package
  4. https://www.euronews.com/next/2024/09/17/henna-virkkunen-becomes-eu-commission-vp-for-tech-sovereignty
  5. https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/technology/3077506-european-crackdown-on-big-tech-from-digital-markets-act-to-antitrust-probes
  6. https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/tech-sovereignty-gets-its-own-executive-vice-president-in-the-new-commission/