Gemini Data Sues Google for Trademark Infringement Over AI Branding

Published on: 20th September, 2024 | Authored by: Mr Archak Das

Key Highlights:


  1. Trademark Dispute Over AI Branding– Google’s rebranding of its BARD AI chatbot to “GEMINI” has resulted in a lawsuit from Gemini Data Inc, filed on 11th September, 2024, that claims trademark infringement and this raises significant questions about how large corporations navigate trademark law and the protections available to smaller companies when faced with such challenges.
  2. Google’s Trademark Application Rejection– Despite having its trademark application for “GEMINI” rejected by the USPTO, Google proceeded with the rebranding, allegedly disregarding Gemini Data’s rights.
  3. David vs. Goliath– The case showcases the imbalance of power in intellectual property disputes, with Gemini Data challenging one of the world’s largest tech companies over its “GEMINI” brand.

In February 2024, Google made headlines when it announced a rebranding of its AI tools, by renaming its BARD chatbot and other AI services under the new name “GEMINI” and what followed was a legal battle that could have lasting implications for intellectual property law in the tech industry. Gemini Data Inc., a smaller AI company, has accused Google of trademark infringement, filing a lawsuit on 11th September, 2024, alleging that the tech giant intentionally violated their rights to the “GEMINI” trademark despite being aware of its existence and importance to Gemini Data’s brand.


Google’s Rebranding


In early 2024, Google unveiled its rebranded AI platform, switching from the BARD name to “GEMINI” as part of a broader strategy to integrate its generative AI tools under a unified brand. Google’s “GEMINI” branding was seen as a fresh direction for the company, capitalizing on the popularity of AI tools that allow users to query massive data sets using natural language, but this move quickly sparked controversy when Gemini Data Inc., a company specializing in enterprise AI solutions, claimed that Google’s new branding infringed on its trademarked “GEMINI” name.

Gemini Data had been operating its AI platform under the “GEMINI” brand for several years, developing a strong reputation and gaining significant market traction and the company’s products allow businesses to engage with complex data systems via natural language queries, making it a direct competitor in the growing field of AI tools. Given this overlap, the dispute is centered around whether Google had the legal right to use the “GEMINI” name for its own AI tools​.


Legal Grounds for the Lawsuit


The lawsuit, filed by Gemini Data Inc in a federal court in San Francisco, argues that Google deliberately infringed on its trademark rights by adopting the “GEMINI” brand for its AI tools and according to the complaint, Google was aware of Gemini Data’s trademark, as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) had rejected Google’s trademark application for the “GEMINI” name in May 2024 due to the likelihood of confusion with existing trademarks, including that of Gemini Data.

Gemini Data’s legal team emphasized that Google’s actions were not only unlawful but also a calculated attempt to override the rights of a smaller competitor as the complaint outlines how Google had allegedly attempted to acquire Gemini Data’s trademark through a third-party intermediary before the rebranding was announced. When these negotiations fell through, Google proceeded with the rebranding anyway, leading to the current legal battle.


A David vs. Goliath Scenario


One of the dominant themes in this case is the imbalance of power between small companies and large corporations in the trademark law. Trademark laws are designed to protect businesses’ brand identities, ensuring that their names and logos are not used by competitors in ways that could confuse customers or dilute their brand value. However, as this case demonstrates, even with legal protections in place, smaller companies often face uphill battles when challenging the actions of powerful corporations. In its lawsuit, Gemini Data has painted a picture of Google as a company that knowingly disregarded trademark laws, assuming that a smaller competitor would be unable to fight back effectively and by moving forward with the “GEMINI” branding despite having its trademark application denied and being aware of Gemini Data’s exclusive rights, Google appears to be leveraging its vast resources and influence to push ahead with its branding strategy, regardless of the legal implications.


History of Trademark Disputes


This is not the first time Google has found itself at the center of a trademark dispute as in 2009, the company faced a backlash when it named its new programming language “Go,” which clashed with the pre-existing “Go!” programming language. Similarly, Meta (formerly Facebook) faced legal action over its name change, highlighting the growing challenges tech giants face as they expand into new markets with limited availability of original brand names​.

While trademark disputes are not uncommon in the tech industry, the Gemini Data lawsuit raises the stakes by involving generative AI tools, a rapidly evolving sector where intellectual property protection is becoming increasingly complex and as more companies race to develop AI technologies, the question of who has the right to use certain brand names and trademarks will only become more critical.


The Legal Implications and Potential Outcomes


If the Gemini Data prevails in this lawsuit, the legal implications could be far-reaching as a victory for the smaller company would not only force Google to rebrand its AI tools again but could also lead to significant financial penalties. The case could also set a precedent for how trademark disputes involving AI technologies are handled in the future, especially when larger corporations are accused of infringing on the rights of smaller competitors. On the other hand, if Google successfully defends its use of the “GEMINI” name, it could encourage other tech giants to adopt similar strategies when navigating trademark disputes and this outcome would likely raise concerns among smaller companies about their ability to protect their intellectual property against the overwhelming market power of larger competitors.




The lawsuit between Gemini Data Inc and Google represents more than just a trademark dispute as it highlights the broader challenges of protecting intellectual property in the rapidly evolving field of AI. As AI technologies become more integrated into everyday life, the importance of clear and enforceable trademark protections will only grow, but for now, the outcome of this case remains uncertain, but it will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on both the legal landscape and the competitive dynamics of the AI industry. Whether this case results in a rebranding for Google or a loss for Gemini Data, it shows the importance of vigilance and legal preparedness in the world of trademarks and intellectual property, particularly as new technologies continue to reshape the market.



