Korea’s AI landscape sets it apart from other nations. With a thriving AI scaleup ecosystem and major tech companies headquartered within its borders. This unique positioning enables South Korea to make significant contributions to the development of AI regulations that balance industry growth and personal information protection. Below is an in-depth look at the key policies and regulations focusing on AI governance in Korea.

The National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, released by the Ministry of Science and ICT in 2019, aims to position South Korea as a global leader in AI development and utilization. The strategy seeks to leverage AI technologies for economic growth, societal well-being, and technological advancement. It focuses on building a globally leading AI ecosystem, ensuring South Korea remains unrivaled in AI adoption and utilization, and realizing AI that benefits individuals and society. This strategic initiative reflects South Korea’s commitment to responsible AI development and its vision for a future where AI contributes positively to society. 

In 2020, Korea established the National Guidelines for AI Ethics to set basic and comprehensive standards for AI ethics that should be followed by all members of society. The guidelines emphasize a human-centered approach to AI, focusing on respect for human dignity, protection of privacy, respect for diversity, prevention of harm, public good, and solidarity. These principles ensure that AI respects equal human rights, safeguards personal privacy, minimizes bias and discrimination, avoids causing harm, benefits society, and considers the needs of future generations.

The Strategy to Realize Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, launched in 2021, aims to promote trustworthy AI for everyone by focusing on technology, system, and ethics. The key strategies include developing reliable AI technologies, creating an environment for reliable AI, and advancing AI ethics education. This strategy underscores South Korea’s commitment to fostering a trustworthy AI ecosystem that prioritizes ethical considerations alongside technological advancement. 

The AI Ethics Framework Enhancement Project, initiated in 2022, aims to enhance AI ethics practice and education. Key deliverables include the release of the AI Ethics Self-Checklist (draft) and Guidelines for AI Ethics Education Content, the development of field-specific AI Ethics Self-Checklists (draft), the creation of AI ethics textbooks for elementary, middle, and high schools, and the hosting of the 1st AI Ethics Policy Forum and open policy seminars. These initiatives are designed to embed ethical considerations into AI development and utilization from an early age and across various sectors.

Building on the foundation laid in 2022, the AI Ethics Framework Enhancement Project Phase II, launched in 2023, continues to enhance AI ethics practice and governance. Key activities include the launch of the 2nd AI Ethics Policy Forum, which serves as a platform for discussing and advancing AI ethics policies and practices. This phase signifies South Korea’s ongoing dedication to refining and implementing robust AI ethics frameworks.

These initiatives demonstrate South Korea’s commitment to responsible and ethical AI development, ensuring that AI benefits society while respecting human rights and dignity. By implementing comprehensive strategies and guidelines, South Korea aims to lead the global AI landscape while safeguarding individual and societal well-being.

2019National Strategy for AI (2019)
2020The National Guidelines for AI Ethics
2021Strategy to Realize Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
2022AI Ethics Framework Enhancement Project
2023AI Ethics Framework Enhancement Project Phase II