The most prominent regulatory developments governing AI in Mexico focuses upon protecting personal data, when such data is integrating with AI Systems, the major initiative like – General Recommendations for Data Processing in AI , which were approved by the Entities member of the Ibero-American Data Protection Network on the 21 June 2019, in a session in Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico,  focuses on the processing of personal data in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). The document emphasizes preventive measures to protect human rights associated with personal data processing. In the same year – the country adopted guidelines titled – Preparation and Submission of Personal Data Protection Impact Assessments. This guide aims to promote a culture of personal data protection within data controllers’ organizations. It provides guidance on preparing and submitting data protection impact assessments (DPIAs). DPIAs are crucial for identifying, analyzing, and minimizing data protection risks in projects involving personally identifiable information (PII). The guide helps organizations understand the legal framework, criteria, and step-by-step process for conducting DPIAs. Further in 2022 , Mexico formed a National Artificial Intelligence Alliance (ANIA). The alliance aims to foster an inclusive and multidisciplinary AI ecosystem. It emphasizes open dialogue, involving various stakeholders, to ensure that AI benefits humanity and contributes to Mexico’s sustainable development. The Alliance vision for Mexico is – “That Artificial Intelligence be used for the common good, equity and progress and sustainable development, with respect for human rights and dignity, the protection of the environment, the promotion of democratic values ​​and social inclusion”. In same year Mexico came up with new recommendations titled- “ The Recommendations for the Processing of Personal Data Derived from the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Mexico”   . These recommendations offer organizations clarity on how to use personal data to train or develop AI systems. They support efforts to implement AI while ensuring compliance with data protection laws adopted by countries. The guidelines emphasize providing clear information to consumers when seeking their consent, it also emphasises on transparency in data processing, especially in AI applications.

2019General Recommendations for Data Processing in AI
2022National Artificial Intelligence Alliance (ANIA) 
2022Recommendations For The Processing Of Personal Data Regarding The Use Of Artificial Intelligence