AI Safety Bill passed by California, Awaiting Governor’s Approval (31 August 2024 )

Authored By - Mr Archak Das

Key Highlights

  1. California Passes Groundbreaking AI Safety Bill (SB 1047)- California lawmakers have passed a first-of-its-kind artificial intelligence (AI) safety bill, SB 1047 on 28th August, 2024, which mandates rigorous safety testing for advanced AI models and it includes provisions like a “kill switch” for malfunctioning AI systems and third-party audits of safety practices. The bill awaits approval from Governor Gavin Newsom now, who has until 30th September, 2024 to decide its fate.
  2. Tech Industry Resistance and Controversies- The AI safety bill has faced significant resistance from major tech companies, including Google, Meta, and OpenAI, who argue that such regulations could stifle innovation and drive AI businesses out of California. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and xAI, and other proponents however argue that the bill is necessary to ensure public safety in the face of rapid AI advancements.
  3. Balancing Innovation with Public Safety Concerns- Supporters of the bill emphasize that it seeks to balance innovation with essential safety regulations and such measure aims to establish safety ground rules for AI systems that might otherwise pose threats to critical infrastructure, like power grids or other public utilities, if left unchecked.

California Passes Groundbreaking AI Safety Bill

California’s legislature recently approved a landmark AI safety bill, known as SB 1047, designed to regulate and mitigate the risks associated with advanced artificial intelligence models. The bill, which cleared a critical vote on Wednesday, 28th August, 2024, requires that AI developers conduct safety testing and publicly disclose their safety protocols. The legislation targets large-scale AI models requiring more than $100 million in data or significant computing power to develop.

The bill has sparked intense debate within the tech community and beyond, where the proponents argue that such regulations are essential to prevent potential risks posed by unchecked AI developments, such as AI systems manipulating public infrastructure or creating chemical weapons.

Why the Bill is Necessary?

The AI safety bill comes at a time when concerns about the misuse of AI are growing and its necessary for the following reasons-

  • Preventing Catastrophic Scenarios– The bill aims to safeguard against potential catastrophic risks like AI systems being manipulated to damage public utilities or critical infrastructure.
  • Establishing a Regulatory Framework– With AI technology rapidly evolving, there is an urgent need for a regulatory framework to keep the technology from becoming uncontrollable or harmful and it offers some of the first ground rules in the U.S. for the responsible development and deployment of AI.
  • Ensuring Public Trust– As AI becomes increasingly integrated into daily life, maintaining public trust is crucial and this bill is designed to build that trust by setting safety standards and encouraging transparency among AI developers.

Tech Industry Resistance and Controversies

Despite the bill’s intentions, it has faced significant opposition from several tech giants and industry leaders. Companies such as Google, Meta, and OpenAI have expressed concerns, suggesting that state-level regulations may be too restrictive and could stifle innovation, where they argue that federal-level guidelines would be more appropriate to address the complexities and widespread implications of AI technologies.

Martin Casado, a general partner at venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, labelled the bill as “ill-informed,” highlighting the broad bipartisan opposition against it and the critics claim that the legislation is based more on speculative future scenarios than on practical realities. Todd O’Boyle, senior tech policy director for the Chamber of Progress, a left-leaning Silicon Valley industry group, even compared the bill to “science fiction fantasies.”

Supporters Advocate for Balanced Regulation

Proponents of the bill, however, maintain that it takes a balanced approach by setting reasonable safety standards without overly burdening AI developers, where the Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who also runs an xAI, voiced support for the legislation, stressing that regulations are essential for any technology that could pose significant risks to the public.

Senator Scott Wiener, the bill’s author, pointed out that the measure adopts a “light touch” approach that integrates innovation with safety and emphasized that California, home to many leading AI companies, should lead in establishing responsible AI governance.

What’s Next for the Bill?

The fate of California’s AI Safety Bill, SB 1047, is now in the hands of Governor Gavin Newsom. After clearing legislative hurdles, the bill awaits his decision, with a deadline of September 30. Newsom has three choices: sign the bill into law, veto it, or allow it to become law without his signature.

Governor Newsom’s Decision Points

  • Whereas in the past Governor Newsom has voiced concerns about over-regulating AI, he is more interested in finding a balance that will keep people safe without stifling innovation and being the home to leading technology companies, California should weigh economic benefits from creating an AI-friendly environment against potential risks because of unregulated AI development.
  • The Governor is likely to make his decision on the bill since both sides have spoken on it. Tech giants, including Google, Meta, OpenAI, are also against the move since they feel it’s going to drive business away and clamp down on innovation, whereas Elon Musk was vouching for it, saying it could help safeguard mankind from AI misuse while stopping the AI systems from taking over crucial infrastructure.
  • If signed, SB 1047 may place California at the helm in AI governance and may potentially shape federal or other state rulings and this might contribute to adding a proactive reputation for California, especially pertaining to issues linked with artificial intelligence, but there is also a possible backlash by the tech sector since such regulation most likely will be seen as injurious to its growth.


California’s AI safety bill represents a significant step towards regulating emerging technologies and addressing their potential risks. The measure has sparked controversy and debate, but it also highlights the growing need for a regulatory framework that ensures both public safety and continued innovation in the AI sector. The decision is yet to be made, but its outcome could set a precedent for AI regulation not only in California but across the United States and such decision could determine how the state navigates the complex balance between technological advancement and public safety, shaping the future of AI regulation on a national scale.
