DAKSHA AI Fellowship: SAI University

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, the AI Fellowship at Daksha Labs offers a transformative journey for young lawyers and tech enthusiasts. The fellowship aims to bridge the gap between law, policy, and cutting-edge technologies, ensuring that fellows emerge not only as experts in their respective fields but also as well-rounded individuals equipped with essential skills to thrive in today’s interdisciplinary landscape.

What is the Daksha AI Fellowship?


The Daksha AI Fellowship is a prestigious program designed for individuals who want to specialize in AI law, technology policy, and other emerging legal domains. It provides a deep dive into the intersections of law, technology, and policy, with a focus on shaping the leaders of tomorrow who will be at the forefront of AI governance and regulation.

The fellowship’s core philosophy revolves around “Daksha,” meaning abilities and skills, which is embedded in every aspect of the fellowship experience—from skill-building labs to mandatory internships. Through a series of curated labs, bootcamps, and workshops, fellows are shaped into versatile professionals ready to tackle the complex challenges of the tech-driven world.

Important Dates to Remember


  • Fellowship Duration: 1 year
  • Internship Period: 8 weeks (within the fellowship year)
  • Bootcamp Schedule: Periodically throughout the year, each lasting 3–5 days

Program Highlights


The AI Fellowship offers a blend of academic knowledge, practical expertise, and skill development:

1. Knowledge Pillars


  • Public and Private Law Foundations: Grounding fellows in the core aspects of both public and private legal frameworks.
  • Technology and Public Policy Foundations: Building a solid understanding of how technology intersects with policy and law.

2. Expertise Modules


  • Technology Law and Policy: A focus on AI governance, data protection, media law, cybercrimes, and telecom regulations.
  • Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age: Understanding IP laws within the context of digital innovations and AI development.
  • Regulation of Emerging Technologies: Learning to navigate the legal and policy challenges posed by new technologies such as blockchain, quantum computing, and AI-driven solutions.

3. Skills Enhancement


  • Communication Lab: Focused on honing both writing and speaking abilities in legal, business, and policy contexts, including drafting policy briefs and delivering professional presentations.
  • Work and Well-being Lab (WoWeL): Emphasizing the development of personal effectiveness, critical thinking, mindfulness, and emotional well-being. This includes unique elements like dance movement therapy, animal therapy, and storytelling.
  • Legal Drafting and Contract Negotiations: Practical training in drafting essential legal documents and mastering negotiation skills in a digital economy.
  • Minimalism and Environmental Consciousness: Promoting sustainable practices in personal and professional life.
  • Bootcamps: Hands-on training sessions delivered by top industry practitioners and think tanks on key topics such as legaltech, AI ethics, and coding for lawyers.

Professional Development Opportunities


A cornerstone of the AI Fellowship is its focus on career advancement. Every fellow is required to undertake an eight-week internship with leading law firms, corporate organizations, or not-for-profits, gaining hands-on experience in real-world settings. Throughout the program, fellows receive mentorship from a dedicated career development team, ensuring they are well-prepared to embark on successful careers in fields such as:

  • Advisory and Regulatory Practice: Providing expert legal advice on AI governance, data protection, and more.
  • Technology Law and Policy Consulting: Advising on technology-driven innovations and their legal implications.
  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Specializing in legal challenges and disputes arising in the digital and AI space.
  • Interdisciplinary Roles: Adapting to roles that demand a broader understanding of law, policy, and technology.

Skills Required to Apply


The AI Fellowship seeks applicants who demonstrate:

  • Strong Academic Foundation: A background in law, technology, or public policy is ideal.
  • Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills: The ability to engage with complex legal and policy questions.
  • Passion for Technology and Law: An eagerness to explore the emerging intersections of law, AI, and technology.
  • Communication Skills: Both written and verbal skills, crucial for drafting legal documents and engaging in public discussions.
  • Adaptability: A willingness to learn and evolve in a fast-paced and ever-changing field.

Why Daksha the AI Fellowship?


This fellowship isn’t just about knowledge acquisition; it’s about personal and professional growth. From gaining expertise in AI law and technology policy to enhancing personal effectiveness through innovative labs like WoWeL, the program offers a holistic approach to learning. Fellows graduate as tech-savvy, emotionally intelligent, and critically minded individuals, ready to lead in both the legal and technology sectors.

Ready to Shape the Future?


If you have a passion for law and technology and want to make an impact in the fast-evolving world of AI, the AI Fellowship at Daksha Labs is your gateway to an exciting and fulfilling career. Don’t miss this opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the digital age.

Apply here to become part of the next generation of leaders shaping the future of AI governance and law.