Germany’s National AI strategy: Is it the way to move forward?

The German Federal Government launched its National AI strategy, in November of 2018,  focusing on increasing competitiveness, responsible AI deployment, and societal integration.  The strategy emphasized ethical guidelines and specific recommendations for AI. Initiatives included providing funding from the Digital Pact for Schools program to improve digital infrastructure in schools, expanding the Learning Factories 4.0 initiative, and introducing the PLAIN – Platform Analysis and Information System for government big data and AI applications.

In 2019, the government expanded AI education programs and initiatives for formal training and education, with a special focus on the formation of educators, trainers, and the general public to guarantee a high-quality level of education in AI. This included the creation of at least 100 additional professorships in the field of AI and support for young female AI researchers. The Study Commission on Artificial Intelligence provided recommendations for actions, leading to initiatives to tackle issues related to information management, data ownership, free flow of data, and standardization.

In 2020, the German Federal Government committed to increasing the planned expenditure for AI promotion to EUR 5 billion by 2025. The government also highlighted priority areas for AI policies, including healthcare, environment and climate, aerospace, and mobility. Initiatives were launched to address regulatory issues and reforms, including codifying the rights of the labor force, consolidating the competitiveness of the industry, and developing rules concerning data use and protection. Germany also participated in EU-funded projects, including AI and health, such as the EXSCALATE4COV project.

In 2021, the German Federal Government continued to publish regular updates of its national AI strategy, emphasizing the need for regular updates and outlining concrete measures to be implemented by 2022. The government also supported the establishment of international and multilateral structures for networking and cooperation in the area of AI, including being one of the founding members of the Global Partnership on AI. Additionally, efforts were made to foster the international attractiveness of the country and improve working conditions and remuneration to attract AI experts and researchers.

2018 First National AI Strategy
2019  Interim report on National Strategy
2020  Update of the Artificial Intelligence Strategy of Germany