Authored by: Ms Tanima Bhatia

Key highlights


  1. User Notifications and Opt-Out Option: Meta will notify Brazilian users through email and social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) about how their personal data is used to train generative AI, offering them the option to opt-out.
  2. Brazil’s Data Protection Authority Action: The ANPD initially suspended Meta’s privacy policy in July due to concerns over personal data usage for AI, but lifted the suspension after Meta agreed to provide clear disclosures to users.
  3. Suspension of AI Tools in Brazil: Meta suspended generative AI tools, including WhatsApp’s AI-generated stickers, during talks with the ANPD, and has not confirmed when these tools will be reinstated.

Social media giant Meta Platforms has announced on 3rd September 2024 that it will notify Brazilian users about how their personal data is being used to train generative artificial intelligence (AI). This move comes after Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) requested more transparency regarding Meta’s data practices. Starting 3rd September, users will receive notifications via email and through Facebook and Instagram, explaining the use of their data and offering the option to opt-out of AI training.


Brazil’s Data Protection Authority Steps In


In July 2024, the ANPD took decisive action by suspending Meta’s privacy policy due to concerns over how personal data was being utilized. The regulator initially halted Meta’s new policy for training AI models with user data, pressing the company to clarify its practices. However, last week of August the suspension was lifted after Meta agreed to inform users about how their information would be handled.


Meta Responds to Concerns


Meta acknowledged the demand for greater transparency. The company stated that Brazilian users would be fully informed about how their personal data would be applied, allowing them to reject its use in AI training if they choose. “Users will receive notifications via email and in-app, and will be able to refuse the use of their data,” said Meta in its statement.


Suspension of Generative AI Tools in Brazil


Back in July, Meta also suspended the use of generative AI tools in Brazil, including popular features like AI-generated stickers on WhatsApp. This was particularly important for Brazil, as it is WhatsApp’s second-largest market. Meta explained that the decision to suspend these tools was made in response to ongoing discussions with the ANPD, as it worked to address the authority’s concerns about how generative AI technologies were using personal data.


Uncertainty on Resuming AI Tools


When questioned about whether Meta would resume these AI tools now that the suspension has been lifted, the company chose not to give a direct answer. Instead, Meta reiterated that the suspension was implemented to address the ANPD’s concerns and emphasized its commitment to complying with Brazil’s data protection regulations.


A Step Towards Data Transparency


This development highlights the increasing demand for data transparency, especially as AI technologies continue to grow. Meta’s decision to comply with Brazil’s ANPD highlights the global scrutiny on tech companies regarding how they handle personal information. As AI becomes more integrated into daily life, people are more concerned than ever about how their data is being used. In Brazil, Meta is taking an important step toward greater transparency and user control over their data.

As the use of artificial intelligence expands, this case sets a precedent for how tech companies may need to adapt their data policies to fit local regulations. In Brazil, the ANPD has made it clear that user privacy and data protection are top priorities. As Meta explores this regulatory landscape, it remains to be seen how this will impact its operations in the country moving forward.

Meta’s commitment to informing Brazilians about their data is a vital move towards building trust and transparency, allowing users to make informed decisions about how their personal information is used.


