The United Nations (UN) is actively promoting the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through various initiatives and policies. UN adopted the first-ever global standard on AI ethics in year 2021. The Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence by UNESCO represents a historic and unique agreement among all 193 UN Member States.

Another key initiative by UN is the adoption of Principles for the Ethical Use of AI within the UN System in year 2022. These principles aim to guide the design, development, deployment, and use of AI systems to ensure they benefit humanity and the planet while upholding human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Further in Oct 2026 UN establishes an Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence to address the risks and opportunities associated with AI governance at the international level. This multidisciplinary advisory body aims to foster a globally inclusive approach by bringing together experts from relevant disciplines worldwide. The mission of Advisory Body is to analyze and provide recommendations for the responsible governance of AI, aligning it with human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Further The UN has established the Global Policy Observatory on AI, and a portal called GlobalPolicy.AI, to serve as a centralized hub for information, resources, and best practices on AI governance and policy.

SEP 2021
UNESCO Global AI Ethics and Governance Observatory
The Observatory serves as a central hub for policymakers, regulators, academics, the private sector, and civil society. Its goal is to address critical challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI) by providing a global resource. The observatory showcases information about countries’ readiness to adopt AI in an ethical and responsible manner. Additionally, it hosts the AI Ethics and Governance Lab, which collects impactful research, toolkits, and best practices across various AI-related issues, including ethics, governance, responsible innovation, standards, institutional capacities, generative AI.
NOV 2021
Recommendation On The Ethics Of Artificial Intelligence
The recommendation prioritizes the protection of human rights and dignity, emphasizing fundamental principles such as transparency and fairness. Through this initiative UN urged  its member   States   apply   on   a   voluntary basis the provisions of this Recommendation by taking  appropriate  steps,  including   legislative  or   regulatory measures  ,  in  conformity  with  the   constitutional   practice   and   governing   structures   of  each  State,  to  give  effect  within  their  jurisdictions  to  the  principles  and  norms  of  the  Recommendation  in  conformity with international law, including international human rights law.
Global Policy AI Portal
Globalpolicy.AI is an online platform developed through ongoing co-operation between intergovernmental organisations with complementary mandates on artificial intelligence (AI).   GlobalPolicy.AI aims to help policy makers and the public navigate the international AI governance landscape and access the necessary knowledge, tools, data, and best practices to inform AI policy development.

OCT 2022

Principles For The Ethical Use Of Artificial Intelligence In The United Nations System
These Principles were developed by a workstream co-led by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Office of Information and Communications Technology of the United Nations Secretariat (OICT). The document provides often principles, grounded in ethics and human rights, aims to guide the use of artificial intelligence (AI) across all stages of an AI system lifecycle across United Nations system entities.
OCT 2023
Report On The Use And Governance Of Artificial Intelligence And Related Frontier Technologies
The report is an outcome of joint session held by  High-level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) and the High-level Committee on Management (HLCM) of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination , on the use and governance of artificial intelligence and related frontier technologies on 4 October 2023.The report provides discussions on Opportunities, challenges and capacities for the safe and responsible adoption of artificial intelligence in the United Nations system.
DEC 2023
Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity
 Governing AI for Humanity was launched by the UN Secretary-General’s AI Advisory Body on December 21, 2023. This report emphasizes the need for closer alignment between international norms and the development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI). It outlines five guiding principles for responsible AI governance. The report emphasises that AI governance should be rooted in the UN Charter, International Human Rights Law, and Sustainable Development Goals. The report underscores the importance of responsible AI governance to maximize benefits while minimizing risks and ensuring alignment with global norms.
March 2024
UN General Assembly Resolution On AI 
The UN General Assembly in May, 2024 adopted a landmark resolution on the promotion of “safe, secure and trustworthy” artificial intelligence (AI) systems promoting , sustainable development for all. This landmark resolution encourages countries to prioritize human rights, protect personal data, and closely monitor AI for potential risks. By bridging the digital divides and promoting safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems, the resolution aims to accelerate progress towards the full realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development