Supreme Court’s AI Hackathon 2.0: Revolutionizing the Judiciary’s Future with AI

Authored by Ms. Vanshika Jain

As India is all set to celebrate its 78th Independence Day, Chief Justice of India (CJI) D.Y. Chandrachud unveiled plans for the Supreme Court’s second hackathon, Hackathon 2.0, focusing on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the functioning of the court. This hackathon was announced on 1st  August through the Central government’s MyGov platform. 

The Supreme Court’s AI Vision

CJI Chandrachud, during the proceedings of 9th August, announced that the upcoming hackathon 2.0 will concentrate on using AI to optimize the Registry’s functions within the Supreme Court. Specifically, AI will be employed to address issues such as the removal of defects in petitions and the formatting and sorting of judicial records. This move is part of a broader initiative to transition the court’s administrative processes to an AI-based model, reflecting the judiciary’s commitment to embracing technological advancements.

The hackathon, which is being organized in collaboration with the Central Government’s MyGov platform, is a part of the celebrations marking the 75th year of the Supreme Court’s establishment. This event is expected to bring together some of the brightest minds in the country, who will work on developing innovative AI solutions to enhance the court’s efficiency.

The objective of the Hackathon

One of the key objectives of the hackathon is to leverage AI to improve the functioning of the Supreme Court’s Registry. The Registry is responsible for managing the administrative tasks of the court, including processing petitions, maintaining records, and ensuring that legal documents are formatted correctly. However, these tasks can be time-consuming and prone to human error.

By integrating AI into these processes, the Supreme Court aims to automate routine tasks, such as identifying and correcting defects in petitions and organizing judicial records more efficiently. This will not only reduce the workload on court staff but also ensure that cases are processed more quickly and accurately.

 “This time the hackathon will focus on the use of AI to streamline the functioning of the Registry for things like removal of defects and formatting and sorting of petitions. So we are completely moving to an AI-based model”. ~ CJI DY Chandrachud

His call for participation was inclusive, encouraging “all innovative young minds” to contribute, noting that youthfulness isn’t just about age but also about fresh ideas and creativity.

What to Expect in the Hackathon?

The Supreme Court’s second hackathon is set to be a landmark event, bringing together programmers, AI specialists, and legal professionals to develop AI-driven solutions for the judiciary. The hackathon, commonly referred to as a “codefest”, is a social coding event where participants collaborate to create or improve software programs. This time, the focus will be on building AI tools that can be seamlessly integrated into the court’s daily operations.

The hackathon will be open to participants of all ages, with the last date for submissions set for August 31. The assessment of submissions will take place on September 14, and the winners will have the opportunity to see their innovations implemented within the Supreme Court’s Registry.

The Significance of AI in the Indian Judiciary

The integration of AI into the judiciary is not just about enhancing efficiency; it’s about transforming how justice is delivered in India. AI has the potential to revolutionize the legal system by automating routine tasks, reducing case backlogs, and ensuring that legal processes are more transparent and accessible.

This hackathon is a continuation of the Supreme Court’s ongoing efforts to modernize its operations. The first hackathon, which took place last year, laid the foundation for this initiative by introducing AI tools such as SUPACE (Supreme Court Portal for Assistance in Court’s Efficiency) and SUVAS (Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad Software). These tools have already made significant contributions to improving legal research and translating judicial documents.

With the second hackathon, the Supreme Court is taking a bold step forward, aiming to fully integrate AI into its administrative processes. This move is expected to set a precedent for other courts in India, encouraging the judiciary at all levels to embrace AI and other emerging technologies.

Conclusion: The Dawn of a Digital Judiciary

The Supreme Court’s announcement of its second AI-focused hackathon marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of the Indian judiciary. By harnessing the power of AI, the Supreme Court is not only improving its own efficiency but also paving the way for a more modern, accessible, and transparent legal system. As the judiciary continues to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century, the use of AI will likely become increasingly central to its operations. The upcoming hackathon is a clear indication that the Supreme Court is committed to leading this transformation, ensuring that justice is delivered more swiftly and effectively to all citizens.

This hackathon is not just an opportunity for tech enthusiasts to showcase their skills; it’s a chance to contribute to the future of justice in India. As the event approaches, all eyes will be on the innovative solutions that emerge, and how they will shape the future of the Indian judiciary.

If you wish to participate in the Hackathon and contribute to the smooth functioning of the third pillar of our democracy, click here.