The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2024)


The AIED 2024 conference, themed “AIED for a World in Transition,”2024 explores how Artificial Intelligence can revolutionize education by enhancing learning experiences in the face of disruptive technologies. With a focus on AI Literacy, Fair, and Ethical AI, the conference aims to shape meaningful changes in pedagogical practices, educational policies, and regulations. Celebrating its 25th edition, AIED 2024 will bring together researchers, educators, businesses, policymakers, and students to discuss novel research ideas and build effective intelligent human-technology ecosystems that support learning in new and complex scenarios. Recognized for its high-quality and innovative research, AIED is ranked A in CORE, reflecting its significant impact in the field of computer science conferences.


We invite submissions on the following tentative topics, but authors may submit proposals on other related topics of interest :-

  • AI-assisted and Interactive Technologies in an Educational Context: Data-driven processing techniques (educational data mining, deep learning, machine learning); Knowledge representation and reasoning; Generative AI; Semantic web technologies; Multi-agent architectures; Tangible interfaces, Wearables; Natural language processing and speech technologies; Virtual and augmented reality.
  • Modeling and Representation: Models of learners, including open learner models; facilitators, tasks and problem-solving processes; Models of groups and communities for learning; Modeling motivation, metacognition, and affective aspects of learning; Ontological modeling; Computational thinking and model-building; Representing and analyzing activity flow and discourse during learning; Representing and modeling psychomotor learning.
  • Models of Teaching and Learning: AI-assisted tutoring and scaffolding; Motivational diagnosis and feedback; Learner engagement; Interactive pedagogical agents and learning companions; Agents that promote metacognition, motivation and positive affect; Adaptive question-answering and dialogue, Data-driven modeling (educational data mining, deep learning, machine learning,…); Learning analytics and teaching support, Learning with simulations; Explainability of models for teaching and learning.
  • Learning Contexts and Informal Learning: Game-based learning; Collaborative and group learning; Social networks; Inquiry learning; Social dimensions of learning; Communities of practice; Ubiquitous learning environments; Learning through construction and making; Learning grid; Lifelong learning; Learning in informal settings (museum, workplace, etc.); Learning in the physical space; Learning of motor skills.
  • Evaluation: Studies on human learning, cognition, affect, motivation, engagement, and attitudes; Design and formative studies of AIED systems; Evaluation techniques relying on computational analyses.
  • Innovative Applications: Domain-specific learning applications (e.g. language, science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, military, industry, sports and more); Scaling up and large-scale deployment of AIED systems.
  • Equity and Inclusion in Education: Socio-economic, gender, and racial issues; AI-assisted techniques to support students from under-resourced schools and communities; Sponsorship, scientific validity, participant’s rights and responsibilities, data collection, management and dissemination.
  • Ethics of AI in Education: Explainability, transparency, accountability, and responsible AIED; learner consent and opt out; surveillance and privacy; the impact of AIED on teachers, learners and classrooms; teacher empowerment and student agency; the community’s responsibility for commercial applications; AIED ethical frameworks and principles for application.
  • AI Literacy: Skills and knowledge that enable individuals to understand, use, and critically evaluate AI; Definitions of AI literacy; Learning to use AI; Developing a basic understanding of how AI works; Learning to communicate and collaborate with AI;  learning to live with AI, Understanding limitations and problems of AI.
  • AIED for Development: Focuses on leveraging AI technology to address and improve various aspects of development in societies and education, particularly in low and middle-income countries; AIED Divide; AIED Unplugged; Low-cost solutions; Low-tech solutions; Frugal Innovation; Jugaad Innovation.
  • Explore Design, Use, and Evaluation of Human-AI Hybrid Systems for Learning: Research that explores the potential of human-AI interaction in educational contexts; Systems and approaches in which educational stakeholders and AI tools build upon each other’s complementary strengths to achieve educational outcomes and/or improve mutually.
  • Online Learning Spaces: Massive open online courses; Remote learning in k-12 schools; Synchronous and asynchronous learning; Mobile learning; Active learning in virtual settings; Video-based learning; Mixed reality and learning.
  • Human-AI Partnership: Shared decision making between systems and users that promote agency and improve learning.
  • AI in Ed for Theory: Using bottom-up and top-down approaches to analyze data in order to inform learning theories and gain better understanding of the socio-cognitive nature of learning.


  • We invite submissions, full or short papers, to the main track:
  • Full paper submission: Full papers should present integrative reviews or original reports of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical, and/or in the design, development and/or deployment of novel concepts, systems, and mechanisms. Full papers will be presented as long oral talks. Papers submitted as a full paper may be accepted as a short paper.
  • Short paper submission: Short papers are expected to describe novel and interesting results to the overall community at large. The goal is to give novel but not necessarily mature work a chance to be seen by other researchers and practitioners and to be discussed at the conference. Short papers will be presented as short oral talks.
  • Submissions must follow Springer policies on publication (including policies on the use of AI in the authoring process):
  • Please note that presenters of papers accepted to the main conference are expected to be on-site to give their presentations and to interact with the audience. An online streaming option will be set-up for remote observers. Scholarships are available for researchers who lack funding to present at the conference. Workshops may however run hybrid, at the discretion of their organizers (for further information, see their websites).
  • Papers accepted to the conference must have a unique author registration (i.e., one registration per paper).
  • Authors should note that unlike previous AIED conferences, there will be NO downgrade path from main track submissions to posters. Authors whose main track submissions are not accepted either as full or short paper are encouraged to revise and consider the late-breaking results track or workshops.


  • Abstracts due: January 29, 2024
  • Papers due: February 5, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance to authors: March 25th, 2024
  • Camera-ready paper due: April 29th, 2024