The government announced its commitment to establish the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation – a major new advisory body that will investigate and advise on how we govern the use of data and data-enabled technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). The CDEI, a government-sponsored independent organization, is extremely important in providing guidance to corporations, the general public, and politicians on the ethical creation and use of AI.

A report titled “AI in the UK: Ready, Willing, and Able?” was released by the House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence which focuses on the requirement for moral AI development, regulation, and the resolution of problems like bias and transparency.

The CDEI publishes “AI in the UK: No Room for Complacency,” its first report, which focuses on the governance and regulation of AI. The report emphasizes the value of ethical issues, accountability, and openness in AI systems. The UK Government outlines its plans for regulatory action and reiterates its commitment to responsible AI deployment in its response to the CDEI’s “AI in the UK: No Room for Complacency” study. The response represented a significant advancement in the country’s efforts to promote ethical and responsible artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. In the year 2021 the Secretary of “State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport” UK presented a “National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence ”,  to the parliament of the UK . The plan outlines the government’s approach to harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for the benefit of society and the economy. 

A white paper titled “AI Regulation: A Pro-Innovation Approach” was released by the UK Government’s Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology on March 29, 2023. The UK government’s suggestions for regulating artificial intelligence (AI) are outlined in the White Paper. 

2017 Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI)
2018 “AI in the UK: Ready, Willing, and Able?”
2019 AI in the UK: No Room for Complacency”
2020 No Room For Complacency’: UK Government commits to deliver on the power and promise of AI
2021 National Strategy on AI
2023 A Pro-Innovation Approach to AI Regulation