In 2021, the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations (MCTI) introduced Brazil’s National AI Strategy that is based on the OECD principles of AI.  This committee, comprising private and public organizations, civil entities, and specialists, plays a pivotal role in monitoring and evaluating the strategy’s implementation. Operating within the MCTI/EMBRAPII Network of Technologies and Digital Innovation, the Governance Committee collaborates with various entities related to digital themes to ensure alignment with the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Strategy (EBIA). Moreover, it promotes information sharing and analysis of sectorial initiatives in AI, aiming to harmonize and enhance efficiency across different bodies and entities. The committee also engages with similar bodies in other countries, states, municipalities, and the Federal District, fostering international cooperation in AI. Additionally, it proposes measures and normative acts necessary for executing strategic actions, demonstrating a commitment to advancing AI governance in Brazil.

The year 2022 holds substantial value for the roadmap of AI in Brazil. In the March of 2022, a Commission of jurists was established to assist in preparing a preliminary draft establishing principles, rules, guidelines, and grounds for regulating the development and use of AI in Brazil. Several other key institutions have made substantial strides in AI adoption such as  The Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) implemented AI in auditing processes, the Superior Labor Court (TST) adopted AI for case management, and the Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil (CGU) utilized AI for fraud detection in government programs. 

The Commission of Jurists published its Final report in December of 2022, on regulations surrounding AI and a Draft AI bill to regulate AI in Brazil. The Draft AI bill has taken inspiration from the existing AI regulations and several bills that were previously introduced in Brazil. The bill has acknowledged the OECD principles for Artificial Intelligence, includes a basic definition of AI systems, and has a Risk-Assessment approach to regulate the deployment of AI systems in Brazil.
The draft shall act as a guiding light for Brazil in coming up with a strong AI regulation.


2018 Public consultation for Brazilian AI Strategy
2021 Governance Committee on Brazilian AI Strategy
2022 Draft AI bill (Pages 15-58) 
2021 Brazilian AI Strategy