The Bulgarian government has been actively developing and implementing strategies to harness the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for societal and economic development. In 2020, the government approved its National AI Strategic , with a focus on creating research, expert, business, and management capacity to support the development and implementation of AI systems. The strategy aims to provide modern communications and scientific infrastructure for AI development, develop an advanced system for education and lifelong learning in AI, and strengthen research and technology transfer capacity in the field of AI.

Moreover, the strategy seeks to unlock the potential of data as a raw material for AI development, introduce AI-based innovation in key sectors, and build trust in AI by developing a regulatory framework in line with established legal and ethical principles within the EU. In this context, the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC), the Ministry of e-governance (MEG), and the Ministry of Innovation and Growth (MIG) are responsible for overseeing the implementation of the strategy. Additionally, in 2023, the Ministry of Electronic Governance (MEG) initiated the development of common standards in the use of AI in the digitization process to ensure guarantees of equal access and respect for human rights. This effort aligns with the OECD AI principles of human-centered values and fairness, as well as providing an enabling policy environment for AI.

Furthermore, the GATE Institute, established as a joint initiative of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Chalmers University of Technology, and Chalmers Industrial Technologies, Sweden, is playing a crucial role in advancing AI research and innovation in Bulgaria. As the first dedicated Big Data and AI Centre of Excellence in Eastern Europe, GATE aims to enable a Data-Driven Smart Society by facilitating digital transformation and accelerating the impact of Big Data and AI technologies across society.

Moreover, Bulgaria launched the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (ISSS) in the year 2022, to transform the country into an innovative, smart, green, digital, and connected nation. This strategy focuses on promoting research and development, the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP), and collaboration between science and business in strategic areas such as informatics and ICT, mechatronics and microelectronics, industry for healthy living, bioeconomy and biotechnology, new technologies in creative and recreational industries, and clean technologies, circular, and low-carbon economy. The Ministry of Innovation and Growth (MIG) is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the ISSS, with the goal of enhancing Bulgaria’s national and regional innovation performance and supporting the deployment of a sustainable, modern, dynamic, inclusive, data-driven, and globally connected research, innovation, and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country. 

In addition to that, as a part of Bulgarian Action plan 2020-2024, Bulgaria has introduced Common standards in the use of Artificial Intelligence in the digitization process to ensure guarantees of equal access and respect for human rights. This is a big step towards responsible & Ethical deployment, and use of AI. The Bulgarian ‘Human-Centered’ approach towards regulating AI is reflected in these standards. 

2019 GATE
2020 National AI Strategy
2022 Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation
2023 Development of Common Standards in the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Digitalisation process in order to ensure guarantees of equal access and Right to citizens